quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009


Recebi hoje de minha amiga Katherine Floriano, Diretora Executiva do Institute of HeartMath, instituto ao qual sou associado, um e-mail anexando o presente acima. É uma lindíssima obra em tinta e acrílico feita em papel de aquarela, com o nome " Song from the Heart ".

Eu tenho a possibilidade de mandar um cartão postal da obra. Quem tiver interesse é só pedir, anexando o e-mail.

Vejam o que disse Katherine em seu e-mail.

Dear Jose Carlos

We are delighted to be able to express our gratitude to you, one of our loyal supporters, with a remarkable gift of art created exclusevely for our donors by artist Lois Eby. Please accept this gift of art with our sincere appreciation for your help in creating a better world for all – a heart-based world.

We’d like to thank Lois for her generous contribution to the Institute of HeartMath. Her vibrant works have graced the art world for more than two decades and now we are pleased to be able to make her art available to you as a gift.

With heartfelt thanks,
Katherine Floriano
Executive Director

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